Mondelēz International reached out with an exciting project and tasked us with making a short film series around their brand pillars; Love Brands, Courageous Challenges, and True Colours. We immediately got to work crafting a story of five Mondelēz International employees from around the world, who have a deep, meaningful memory attached to a Mondelēz International product that was forged as a child.
The idea is a play on the legend of “The Red Thread”. In the legend, thanks to the Gods, everyone’s little finger is tied to an invisible red string that will lead him or her to another person to which the other end is tied and with whom they have an important story.
In our films, Mondelēz International is this red thread (or a branded “purple” thread), weaving together these individuals who find their home at Mondelēz International, building the brands and creating more memories for all of us as consumers.